
Wedding Entry #7 | "No, this is NOT for a Wedding."

Don’t tell anyone that the item you need, no matter the item, is for a wedding. As I learned in the whole cake fiasco [Entry #6], people feel the need to double their prices for no apparent reason just because the particular item will be used on, above, for, or in a wedding. This brings me to hair.

In terms of fashion, I am pretty simple. I had a simple gown, plain shoes, and knew exactly what I wanted to do with my hair, which was also a pretty easy side bun. 

Here goes my conversation related to THAT topic…

Lady: “Generic Salon, how can I help you?”
Me: “Yes, I am looking to get pricing for my hair for a wedding.”
Lady:  “Are you the bride?”
Me: “Yes.”
Lady: “Well that will be $119 with a mandatory $30 practice run and a waiver signed and we will need 3 hours for hair and this needs to be 2 hours before your wedding and blah blah blah… and we also do makeup and...”
Me: “Thanks, I’ll get back to you.”

The next conversation went something like this:

Lady: “Generic Salon, how can I help you?”
Me: “Yes, I am looking to get pricing for my hair for a wedding.”
Lady:  “Are you the bride?”
Me: “No, I’m a bridesmaid.”
Lady: “Well our standard up-dos start at about $46 depending on difficulty.”
Me: “Does 1:30pm work?”
Lady: “See you then.”
Me: “Thanks, good bye.”

And my hair turned out great. I will admit, there were a few people, including my mother, that thought I was a little too easy going about this whole thing since I had never even met this stylist before (I just had recommendations for her and read more online), but sometimes I just want to let the professional do their thing. Everyone will be more relaxed in the end and I think it turned out great!

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