
Celebrity Spotting!

Aziz Ansari did a stand-up comedy performance here in Charleston this past Saturday and I REALLY REALLY wanted to go... but we had just gone to see a show a couple weekends ago, and we are trying to save money, and he'll be back, and yadda yadda yadda - so we ended up with different plans that night for my friend A's birthday.

Well, after the birthday dinner, we all went across King Street to the Cocktail Club and an hour into our hangout, Aziz walks outside on the patio like 10 feet from me! I was soooo excited, I love him. For the record, I was probably the only one who even recognized him - huge Parks and Rec fan.

But here is where the crash and burn happens... I walk over with my friend J and we are talking with him, welcoming him to the city, and saying things like "great show" to him (even though we didn't see it) and he is not amused. Not.at.all. He says thanks, tells us that he used to live here, barely cracks a smile, and walks back inside never to return.

I get it. I am not 20. I am not smokin' hot. I am not even single. But I was a huge fan. I really think that sometimes it is best not to meet those that you admire as they may disappoint. He must also realize that this is Charleston, not Hollywood, and we Charlestonians are not accustomed to seeing famous people, so we are probably going to try to talk to you! haha

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