
Registered Architect!

Well, I did it. I went to college for 5 1/2 years, received two professional degrees, studied under an architect for at least 4 years, and then took a series of 7 tests which take roughly 5 hours each and weeks to study for over the past two years, and now I get to call myself a registered architect. All of that for a new title?!?

This really won't change a whole lot of things in my life. I will get a title change at work from "project manager" to "architect," new business cards will reflect this change, and I may even get a raise if I am lucky, but I didn't do all of this for those reasons... I did it for me.

Being a registered architect is something that no one can take away from you. It is not only my job, but it's who I am now. Hi, I am Joellen, the architect. Sounds like something out of The Matrix!

I am the youngest architect in my firm so there is still so much to learn - that is why they call it a "practice." I am just sooo happy to be done with testing! It really takes a toll on you when you get settled in to "normal" life only to have to start studying again. There went my weekends for a whole 2 years!

Now, what should I do with all this extra time?!? Oh, don't you worry, I will fill it ;)

Anyone need any projects done? I'm cheap! haha, OK, maybe not that cheap.

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