
It "Yurts" So Good

The latest episode of HGTV's Design Star was absolutely inspirational. When the contestants walked inside of their empty Yurt from Colorado Yurt Company I was immediately thinking what I would do with this space given the opportunity.

Since you can't read my mind, I will just show you which contestant's design was my favorite. The winning design in my opinion (but she is also a [SPOILER ALERT!] finalist because the panel also thought she did a great job) was Britney.

These just happen to be the same colors that are in my living room and I absolutely love everything about it with the exception of only one thing - the wood floor color. I think she could have gone a bit darker so it would stand out a bit more against the shade of stain on the bed, but this design is very successful in my book. The bed moves btw! At the back of the rather large headboard is a rod to hang clothes and a ton of shelves for storage. Genius.

Here is what the yurts look like from the outside and I think this pales in comparison to what can be done on the inside. The light filled dome would be amazing on a Colorado hillside like you see below. Maybe I will have one of these on a nice piece of property someday!

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