
The Saga is Over | Breaking Dawn Part 2

Grade: A-
Date: November 18, 2012
Location: Citadel Stadium 16
Notes: Bittersweet - loved to see it, but sad that it is the last one!

The movie was just great. Since I had a little mini-marathon this weekend (watched Twilight and then Breaking Dawn Part 1) it was nice to see that this series has come a long way since the beginning. I really enjoyed this movie and even had an "oh shit" moment during the ending where they give you a twist - but I don't want to give anything away...

I would recommend watching Part 1 again if you can before you see this one as I had to fill in my friends on why something happened (and I only knew because I had just seen the first one), but all in all I am happy with the way the story was told.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention the K.Stew and R.Patt breakup... it was kind of distracting at certain points and I was having a hard time differentiating between real life and movie life. When they would kiss as Bella and Edward I kept thinking "I wonder if she knew at this moment she would cheat on him." Or when she tells him that it is a "forever love" and that "no one will ever love him and much as she does." I couldn't stop myself from thinking "yeah right" but I did try to stop!

I am hoping they come out with a box set of all the movies into one. I will add that to my box set of books and put it away for a daughter one day... or a niece, whichever happens first. :)

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